Powering Print
Your partner for

Colour Engine work with the leading software technologies help to enable companies to produce consistent high quality work and reduce costs. From the moment a file or image arrives colour and printability are elements that get lost in the creative process and lead to inconsistencies, errors and unnecessary reworking. These are issues which we solve, leading to faster, better work cycles with reduced costs and correct colour.

Colour Engine can offer a full Turnkey solution for our clients to simplify supplying, implementation and fulfilment on projects. This allows us to offer additional software and hardware along with expertise from industry specialists. As an independent company Colour Engine supply the best solutions in order to give you the best service.

Colour Engine can enable you to expand workloads with reduced touch points, faster preflight and communications. Built around Enfocus PitStop and Switch or improving your system.
We’re always happy to talk through your ideas and needs.

Our clients say..
“Colour Engine have provided DMG Media with lighting, profiling and software for over 10 years. The service and results have always been first class enabling us to deliver quality publications to our readers and advertisers.”
Brian Lamb, Product Manager, DMG Media 2022